Turning Hiring Manager No To Yes

Turning the ‘No’ into a ‘Yes’

Turn the no’s into positive wins

“Thank you for your interest, but we have decided to go in another direction.” 

This one phrase can stick a dagger into the heart of any job seeker. We’ve all been there before. Waiting patiently to hear from an employer only to be stung by rejection. But that “no” does not have to stay a “no” forever. There are ways to learn to avoid this heartache. With understanding, negotiation, and patience, you can turn that disappointing “no” into a resounding “yes!”

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Overcoming Obstacles

Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar outlined “five basic obstacles” a salesman (or in this case, a job seeker) must overcome to get that coveted “yes.” Clients or employers may have “no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, and no trust” and therefore turns you down. Many times, a rejection is rooted in some or all of these objections. Understanding this can mean that there is an opportunity for a “yes” simply by addressing and putting to rest any doubt. 

Do Not Take No For An Answer

It’s important to remember that in the world of business, no does not always mean no. There are other factors at play and ways you can negotiate to turn it around. What truly are the needs, desires, or doubts of the potential employer and how can YOU address them? What else can you offer that will make them rethink their (rather poor) decision to not hire you? Press a bit more and find out how you can meet their needs.

If possible, speak to employees of the company and ask them about their experiences and demands of the job. What do their bosses expect from them? Learn what kinds of skills and characteristics they bring to the company. Perhaps you can improve in that manner as well. Once you have acquired those skills needed, you can walk into any interview room and blow away the competition. 

Also, do research on the company. Check to see if they are in the news. Think about ways you can improve or contribute to the type of publicity they get. With a worker like you, they’ll have positive headlines!

Take Your Time

Sometimes you can turn a “no” into a “yes,” but not right away. Your offer may come to fruition down the road and with a completely different company. If you are rejected for a job, try to find out why. Maybe you needed more relevant experience. Or perhaps your presentation was off. Ask the tough questions and share your thoughts with a colleague you trust. What about YOU needs to be recalibrated for your next opportunity?

Keep Learning and Growing

If you are rejected for a job, try to find out why and use it as a learning opportunity for your next interview. Maybe you needed more relevant experience. Or perhaps your presentation was a little off. Ask the tough questions and share your thoughts with a colleague you trust to get their feedback and advice. What needs to be recalibrated for your next opportunity? How can you make yourself and your skills more applicable and attractive to the next hiring manager?

Turn the “No” Into a Win

A positive attitude throughout the job search process can also help turn a “no” into a “yes.” Your tenacity will eventually come through as you “smile and dial.” Keep putting yourself out there and you’re bound to get a foot in the door. Even though you have sent in countless applications, the company in front of you is seeing you for the first time. Make each impression positive and do not get bogged down. The more you throw things up on the wall, the more likely something will stick!

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