Be Honest Stay Positive

Be honest & Stay Positive When Facing Job Search Rejection

Be Honest

“So, how’s the job hunt going,” a friend casually asks you in a coffee shop. You reply, “fine” and take a long sip of your caramel macchiato. In the back of your mind, you think of the numerous rejection emails sitting in your inbox and the countless applications that have been drifting in the job search black hole for weeks. You feel like you’re drowning, but are too proud to ask for a life jacket. This kind of attitude will only cause trouble and have you sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss. 

A job hunt is no time to be too proud. Humility is key and indeed a major characteristic needed when searching for new employment. There is no shame in trying to better yourself, so it is helpful to be honest with yourself and others. 

Open Your Eyes and See the Truth

Never live in a state of delusion when it comes to being a job seeker. Be real about what you want and need. Sometimes your circumstances will help determine your next move. If things are falling apart around you, have the courage to open your eyes and see the truth. Make the necessary changes and move forward. The worst kind of captain to go down with the ship is the one who doesn’t admit he’s hit an iceberg. 

For instance, write down the job you want and provide a detailed plan on how to achieve that. Think about what you need to work in that field. More money? More education? More networking opportunities? Take a long, honest look at your assets and evaluate your next steps. Visit a local library to get ideas on how to check off your steps and eventually get the job you are aiming for. 

Help Your Friends and Family Help You

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Be honest with those you trust. Family and friends are there to help you through your difficult times. They can best help when they know the whole story. Do not be afraid to ask trusted associates if they have recommendations or if they know of anyone hiring. Many offers come from referrals. Sometimes it really is about who you know!

These same people can also be your biggest cheerleaders. When we are feeling down and out about rejection, our friends and family can be there to build us back up. We do not have to burden disappointment and frustration on our own. Let others in so they can give you the motivation needed to try again.

Enroll below to learn how to increase your chances of getting job offers in my FREE job search training course.

Keep It Positive

Stay positive with your honesty. Keep your spirits up by spinning your experiences. Talk about the many people you have met through this journey and the wonderful companies you’ve had the chance to explore. Remember, each closed door gets you closer to one that is wide open for you.

Honesty is the best policy in a job hunting situation. It can open you up to new avenues of success and provide useful introspection. Honesty keeps you focused on your main goal. The truth will get you a job! As long as you stay true to yourself, you can’t go wrong. 

Team CtC

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