Rejected vs Redirected

Job Search Tactics: Rejected vs. Redirected

I once had a dream that I was lost in a huge building. Every door I tried to open was locked, seemingly fused shut by the strongest adhesive and melding materials known in the entire universe. Some doors were even painted on a wall. I ran down the corridor to see a slightly adjacent door with a beam of light shining through. As I reached my hand for the knob, a gust of wind swept in and slammed it in my face. I turned around trapped in a space that I felt I couldn’t escape.

Many job seekers have similar feelings when they are confronted with one rejected application after another. Opportunity is within grasp only to be taken away, leaving you in a lurch.

Do not fret. Even in the face of closed doors, there is always an open window, an underground tunnel, or a roof access. You are meant to get out of the building. You just have to figure out how.

Refocus yourself toward success

When a company rejects you, find solace in the thought that it was “not meant to be” at this particular organization. Instead of feeling rejected, redirect your efforts. Use these opportunities to get outside of your comfort zone and try something new – such as a networking event to meet new people or an online class to beef up some of your skills. Redirecting the rejection from one company into positive energy and hard work will help you grow and strengthen your personal brand. And this will set you up for success at the next company you interview with.

It’s also important to remember that there are infinite ways to make a living. A rejection simply means you aren’t meant to be making a living here at this particular company. Refocus your efforts and try again somewhere else. There’s another job out there that needs you. Besides, you wouldn’t want to work in a place that rejected you anyway.

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Don’t let rejection keep you down

Rejection may cause self-doubt and negative self-talk. This destructive behavior validates the false belief that you somehow deserve “bad things” to happen, like a job rejection. It is imperative that you find compassion and redirect yourself to a more constructive mindset. When you find yourself discouraging yourself and feeling rejected, try responding like you would to a friend. Build yourself back up, acknowledge the work you have done to get here in the first place, and encourage yourself to try again.

The thing to remember is that even if you’ve been rejected multiple times by hiring managers, you are still a person of worth. You still have skills and experiences that are unmatched by anyone else. If you did not get this job, there’s something better just over the horizon. Keep moving in that direction.

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